C++ Weekly #2: constexpr Map
constexpr Map vs std::map Performance Difference
The constexpr specifier declares that it is possible to evaluate the value of the function or variable at compile time.
is such a stunning idea first introduced in c++11, which lets the
programmer tell the compiler which part of code could be and would like to be
evaluated at the compile-time specifically. This, not only clean up the code
once more, just like when you using a const
specifier, but the compiler also
could understand your intended more clearly, hence it could try to optimize the
code even better.
Later on, C++14 and C++17 fix some of the language issues, which make it more
flexible to use. You can now define the constexpr
function with loop, branch
predictions, and so on. This is something you should be using in your projects,
especially when you start a new project compile with the later C++ standard.
If you are new to constexpr
, I highly recommend you checkout
constexpr, and
const expression
for more details.
Compile Time vs Runtime
Here is a simple sum
function showing the difference between compile time and
constexpr int sum_constexpr(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
auto res = sum_constexpr(1, 3);
auto res2 = sum(1, 3);
return 0;
intel asm syntax, gcc 10.2, compiler explore
sum(int, int): // int sum(int a, int b)
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
add eax, edx
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 16
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 4 // auto res = sum_constexpr(1, 3);
mov esi, 3 // auto res2 = sum(1, 3);
mov edi, 1 // ...
call sum(int, int) // ...
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], eax // ...
mov eax, 0
Not only the entire function of constexpr
is not present in the assembly, but
it also generates an even shorter code for those function calls. Because the
compiler knows the result from auto res = sum_constexpr(1, 3);
could be
generated at compile-time, it only computes the value from your function and
directly assigns it to the register, therefore, all the function stack could
also be eliminated.
The compiler could do all kind of crazy things to optimize your code, and with
declared, your release the full potential to let the compiler do
that computation at the compile time. It usually takes a longer compile-time,
but for the C++ programmer, I assume you would like to trade the runtime
performance with the compile speed.
constexpr Map vs std::map
Back to the topic we made in the subtitle, you may get some clue why we could
benefit from the constexpr
Until this blog last modified date, there is still no constexpr
support for std::map
. The good news is, you might be able to use constexpr
constructor for the most common container std::vector
in C++20 standard.
IMPORTANT: constexpr Map is intended to use for small size lookup, if you do need a very large size dynamic map, please use std::map instead!
Code credit from Jason Turner, C++ Weekly Ep 223 on Youtube, my C++ Weekly blog series is also inspired by his great work! You should definitely checkout his work.
template <typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t Size>
struct Map {
std::array<std::pair<Key, Value>, Size> data;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Value at(const Key &key) const {
const auto itr =
std::find_if(begin(data), end(data),
[&key](const auto &v) { return v.first == key; });
if (itr != end(data)) {
return itr->second;
} else {
throw std::range_error("Not Found");
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
static constexpr std::array<std::pair<std::string_view, int>, 8> color_values{
{{"black"sv, 7},
{"blue"sv, 3},
{"cyan"sv, 5},
{"green"sv, 2},
{"magenta"sv, 6},
{"red"sv, 1},
{"white"sv, 8},
{"yellow"sv, 4}}};
int lookup_value(const std::string_view sv) {
//static const auto map = std::map<std::string_view, int>{color_values.begin(), color_values.end()};
static constexpr auto map =
Map<std::string_view, int, color_values.size()>{{color_values}};
return map.at(sv);
The results turn out to be 9.6 times speedup from this constexpr Map versus the std::map!
gcc 10.1, quickbench
For the small fixed-size constexpr Map, the compiler normally has more flexibility to optimize your code. If you interested why was it, strongly recommend you have a look the video on Jason goes through the assembly GCC generated! I was astonished by how GCC optimizing this piece of code.
I want to emphasize again if you have a very large map size, std::map binary search is the way to go. But for the small size map lookup purpose, which you already have all the data ready at the compile time, you should definitely start using this from now on!